What We Seek
Wines of Note
Best Case Wines is a wine importing and distribution company located in Iowa City. We seek honest wines that offer:
- a sense of graceful, harmonious balance
- an expression of the place and culture from where they derive
- value for the money
- the experience of pleasure they offer to the drinker

How We Search
Pursuing Passion
Wine is an agricultural product, like food. There is a big difference between a meal that has been thoughtfully and lovingly prepared and the kind of processed, corporately produced “food” so easily available to us. The same is true of wine.
The wines we choose to represent are grown by farmers: people with a passion for what they’re doing. We visit as many of our wineries as possible and pass on our best discoveries to you.
Looking for something in particular?
You can use our search to find details about any of our wines.
What We’re Drinking Tonight
Flavor Insights and Updates
“Drinking good wine with good food in good company
is one of life’s most civilized pleasures.” –Michael Broadbent